Commonwealth Medicine pharmacy expert honored for research that will help Medicaid develop better systems for delivering speciality drugs for members with some hereditary diseases

Congratulations to Dr. Alan Gabot, managed care pharmacy resident in Clinical Pharmacy Services (CPS) at Commonwealth Medicine, on receiving the 2020 Elgene “Jake” Jacobs Memorial Scholarship. He is one of only two residents nationwide to be recognized with this award, which is given by the American Drug Utilization Review Society (ADURS). In his submission, Dr. Gabot explains how state Medicaid programs can use clinical and claims-based data to forecast pharmacy utilization and overall budget impact for emerging specialty drugs to treat sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. As a result, programs are better able to plan and subsequently develop formulary management strategies for these two serious hereditary diseases. Dr. Gabot presented his research poster at the ADURS2020 Symposium Conference on February 28, 2020 in Scottsdale, Arizona.