Commonwealth Medicine, UMass Medical School will highlight key cost containment solutions in presentations, an industry session, and a booth at the annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference August 13-16 in Portland, Oregon.
Our experts will be at Booth 53 throughout the conference to share their knowledge on how states can improve their cost avoidance activities and optimize savings, leading to increased sources of funds that can further support innovative Medicaid programs.
Tuesday, August 14
Enhancing Medicaid Systems Functionality to Meet Third Party Liability (TPL) Business Needs, Room B113/B114, 9:15 a.m., Presentation
State presenters will share strategies utilized to improve recovery of Medicaid claims payments under their Estate Recovery Programs.
Jenifer Hartman, Moderator, Center for Health Care Financing
Kathleen Melanson, Speaker, Center for Health Care Financing
Wednesday, August 15
Real Property Asset Verification – Cost Savings Opportunities for State Medicaid Programs, 3 p.m., Industry Session
UMass Medical School experts will highlight the
AVS Enhance™ solution using real-world examples and results. They will share lessons learned in reviewing data sets and identifying real property assets, as well as illustrate how our solution reduces costs, deters fraud, and improves quality…all while ensuring Medicaid is the payer of last resort.
Martin Baker, Moderator, Strategic Growth and Business Development
Mary Ann Pirani, Speaker, Center for Health Care Financing
Karen Bacon, Speaker, Center for Health Care Financing
Massachusetts Dual Eligible Data Analytics: Bringing Data into Focus to Optimize Benefits and Savings for Medicare-Medicaid Members, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Poster
This poster shares the results of a partnership with the Massachusetts Medicaid program to develop and implement data analytics initiatives to create actionable data points that will improve access to and delivery and coordination of benefits to Medicaid-Medicare Dual Eligible members.
Jenifer Hartman, Presenter, Center for Health Care Financing