The Massachusetts Health Council’s 19th Annual Pharmacy Public Health Policy Symposium on Jan. 18 will feature UMass Medical School Pharmacy Director Paul L. Jeffrey, PharmD, who will review new policy decisions, revised regulations and reimbursement changes that impact the MassHealth Pharmacy program.
A pharmacy director in UMass Medical School’s Commonwealth Medicine division, Jeffrey also serves as director of pharmacy for the Massachusetts Medicaid program, MassHealth. Jeffrey provides broad clinical support to MassHealth, and has introduced innovative programs in the areas of opioids and pain management, as well as behavioral and mental health. He is also a clinical associate professor of UMass Medical School’s Family Medicine and Community Health.
Jeffrey will participate in a session from 2-4 p.m. that will provide updates on the Massachusetts Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, MassHealth Pharmacy Program and the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy. The symposium will be held at the Waltham-Westin Hotel.
Nationally known for his writing, presentations and education sessions on opioid abuse, Jeffrey was a member of Gov. Charlie Baker’s Massachusetts Opioid Drug Formulary Commission and Gov. Deval Patrick’s Opiate Emergency Task Force. He is chair of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s Professional Practice Committee and chair of the Eastern Medicaid Pharmacy Administrators Association.